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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Not Goodbye, Just See Ya Later.

Well ya’ll I’m finished up here at Beckwith Interiors. I can’t believe how fast six went by, but as I have been saying this whole time I have loved the opportunity I have had to be here. Thank you so much to everyone who made this possible for me. I have been truly blessed. Friday was a great day. Jamie and I had a little talk… and she said that she is definitely keeping me in mind for a job in the fall. I wouldn’t be able to start till I’m done with school but if things work out I will hopefully be able to finish up online while working out here. Let’s just hope for the best. About an hour before Friday’s shift ended Jamie told us that we should come to the Launch Party she was sponsoring. Being an intern a Beckwith Interiors definitely has its perks. The party was fun and I’m glad that I got the chance to experience something like that while I was out here. Yesterday was my official last day. I really am sad that I'm done because I have loved being here but it made me happy that Jamie basically kept saying that it wasn’t goodbye, just see ya later {my words but her thoughts}. I can’t even begin to tell you how incredibly grateful I would be if Jamie offered me a job once I come back. I would be the happiest girl on the planet. Girl’s night was great but I’m sad it was my last one. I’m gonna miss all of the friends I have made here. I’m gonna miss you and I can’t wait to see ya’ll again. Tracy’s plane was late but she finally got here and I hope she {and my mom} have a good time seeing the city. It won’t be until we get home but I will let all ya’ll know what we did and I will make sure to take some good pictures too. See ya next in Utah.

Creepy Mountain Men!

P.s. Sorry this was so short but next post will hopefully be a lot more fun to read.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hurts So Good

Oh my goodness ya’ll, I am soooo exhausted. For the past couple of days I have been going to the Warehouse to sand blocks. The good news is that this time we get to use a machine to do it, the bad news is… well I guess there is no bad news. I love working with the blocks. Let me tell you thought that by the time I got home at night I was sore and covered in sawdust, and oh so tired. We got an order pretty much done on Wednesday, sanded and stained, and then we stated on another project. A HUGE project. I wouldn’t know how big until I got to work today. But I’ll get to that in a minute.

I got home and I was gonna go straight to institute, but I felt so gross that I had to take a shower. Its amazing how just getting clean can totally help you feel better. I’m sad that last night was my last institute lesson here in Nashville {maybe, it depends on what Tracy wants to do next week}. Brother Halverson is absolutely amazing. I wish that I had just taken a tape recorder with me to all the lessons because he just has this way of saying things. I try to write them down, but I’m just not fast enough. He is just a wealth of spiritual knowledge. I only hope that I will be at that level one day. Afterwards I helped put together some EFYSA packets because it happening this weekend. I really wish that I could have gone. I acted as line judge to a couple of volleyball games that got a little bit heated at times, but for the most part is was all just really just fun to watch {I was way too tired to play last night}. By the time I got home and my scriptures read… I lay down in bed and I was out like a light. I really must have be exhausted because I don’t remember having any dreams, which is weird because I have had some pretty bizarre dreams these past couple of weeks. I’ll have to tell you about them sometime.

Anyways… Today, it’s like the block multiplied by 3! There were so many… and by the time 5pm rolled around I was so dead. I also kind of feel like my face has been sunburned even though I have been indoors all day. Maybe its from all the saw dust? Yeah that’s it; my face is raw because of all the saw dust. Thankfully they bought us a second sander because if they hadn’t… man this order would have taken for… ev… er… We were only given maybe a third of the order today (over a thousand blocks easily), and out of that we only got 90% of it done. Don’t judge us… we worked nonstop; there was just so many little blocks. Lauren, Black, and Bill told us we might eventually have nightmares about blocks, and now I believe them! Blocks, blocks, blocks… Haha but I love it. I have had so much fun but I am so sore. I’ll tell you what though… I am going to have them most defined shoulders you have ever seen by the time this is over { which I’m not sure is a good thing for a girl }.

If you don’t think I’m crazy as it is, you will when I tell you that after all of that… I went rock climbing today after work. The little British voice inside my head tried to talk me out of it, but I went anyways and I am so glad I did. I had so much fun and I even got one good climb in, and a whole but of good try’s but eventually my arms and shoulders were so tired that I couldn’t even grip the blocks. I got home and got in the shower because this time… not only was I covered in sawdust but I was also sweaty from the climb {mmm I know, delicious!}. Just lifting my arms to wash my hair took so much effort; come to think of it even typing is making me super tired... Ya’ll, it hurts… but it hurts so good! Haha, well I need sleep so I’m signing off for now. One week from today I leave for Utah and its bitter sweet. See ya’ll soon.

This is only half of the first order. Today's order was 7 boxes full! and remember that's only a third of the order.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

High Powered… Nail Filer?

Sunday night I went over to Anna’s boyrfriend’s house (named Tristan) to help her set up his surprise birthday party. Haha she was so cute because she was so anxious and wanted it to be perfect for him. I only hope to feel that way about someone someday. It turned out fantastic and he was super surprised. I had to leave early because I had to work early yesterday…

We had to be to Kenny and Co. by 8am, and when you are used to not having to be to work till nine and therefore don’t get up till 8(ish) every morning… having to be somewhere by 8 makes you sooooooooo tired. But Kenny and Co was fantastic. Its located in The Gulch near Downtown Nashville. It’s the first LEED certified neighborhood in Nashville, very contemporary, and so cool. Price range form $2000 to who knows what {because I could only find prices for The Velocity, but none for the Icon or the Mercury View Lofts}, but in a couple of years its going to be the cool place to live… and one day I’m gonna live there too.  Oh man, I cant wait!

Anyways Kenny and Co. has some really incredible stuff. I couldn’t take pictures of Waterworks but visit their website and look around for a minute. As for the rest… enjoy. I think it’s all delicious!


Today I went to the warehouse. I love the Jamie Beckwith Collection and I love getting to see the process of how this product is made.  Once again I cant begin to tell all of you how grateful I am for all that I have experienced this last 6 weeks. We got to play with stain and a belt sander. I like to call it a high powered nail filer. My nails have been sanded down and… boo! I don’t think it’s a good look for me haha. Deidre and I did a whole three group of block before it ws realized that the water based stain JBC used made the blocks raise and so the saw marks showed up and… well basically all the work we did, will have to be done again because they needed to find a way to make the marks go away before we can continue. So they sent us to the office until they can fix the problem. Before we went to the office, they asked us to drop off all the packets from last week at the post office. Right about then, it began to pour and let just say I am soooo glad that I took the time to straighten my hair today because by the time I got to my car and to the post office and got the box full of packets into the post office and back to my car…. I looked like a hot mess, or a wet dog. Take your pick, haha.

At the office there wasn’t much for us to do, so we finished working on the music playlist for the most part. It was a good time because some of the music… oh my goodness I laughed and laughed. So bizarre, but oddly fun. We also found out that Martin had some of the most random ways you could torture someone. Haha every time a song came on that we didn’t like he would say something like “get rid of it… I don’t want people to beat me up in the parking lot with two by fours,” or “I felt like pouring hot wax down my ears”. Also the music he would play if he were ever to torture some one would be “Paper Planes” by MIA. He really really doesn’t love that song. Good times at Beckwith Interiors. Well tomorrow I’m headed back to the warehouse and hopefully we will be able to get the orders done. I will see ya’ll soon.

Friday, June 17, 2011

How Many People Can Say That

Lately I feel like things have been a little bit slow. Not in a bad way… we have plenty of clients to take care of, but because there are four interns and we are all awesome {!} we get our work done really fast {and really well I might add}, so fast that sometimes there isn’t very much for us to do. I guess what I’m saying is I haven’t really blogged the last couple of days because there really wasn’t much to post about. BUT then Jamie came back from NeoCon and suddenly there was a whole list of things to do. I love it when the boss comes back because I get to work again. How many people can say that about their jobs? I take that as a good sign that I am on the right path for me.

I finished white washing our clients house yesterday and then ran around Nashville for the first half of my shift picking up orders and dropping off samples to a couple of clients. I love driving around Nashville because all the homes are different and they are so beautiful. Not to hate on my state {that rhymed, hehe} but Utah can be soooo cookie cutter. Meaning all the homes can look the same and… well blah! But here there is a wide variety. I know I already said I would do this but now that my time here is winding downL, I will walk around {or drive really slowly} and go take pictures so you can see what I mean.  Well ya’ll I have a feeling today is gonna be slow because there hasn’t been much to work on yet. I will probably just continue working on the press release list which isn’t very exciting to blog on {even though I just did}. I have the house to myself again this weekend so hopefully I get out and do something so I’m not bored. I’ll see ya’ll soon.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Today at work was a little bit rough. I made a couple of mistakes and although they weren't threatening to the company at all... I till felt like an idiot. I went on a supply run where I was supposed to pick up a bunch of stuff and one of the items on the list were folders. I didn't check to see what kind of folders we needed and so I bought hanging folders. Wrong! I offered to go back and exchange them and when I got there everything went fine, however, I had paid the first time with the business credit card AND a gift card... and Office depot decided to refund the gift card but because the balance was smaller than $10, they gave it to me in cash... so I handed that to Amber and... now we have to go deposit like $6 dollars and 51 cents or something. SO frustrating. But thats not where it ends. Another item on the list was coffee. I don't drink coffee so I have never bought coffee. I checked the office before I left and the brand that they drink is Maxwell House. Not hard right? Wrong again. First of all I ask the lady at the store where the coffee aisle and she looks at me like I'm from another planet because apparently everyone who's anyone knows where to find that. Then I get to the Maxwell section and... there's original roast, Columbian something or other, french vanilla flavored... etc. So I have to call the office to see what kind they wanted. I felt so dumb. Luckily the creamer is right in front of me, so I grab two that sound good {although I'll never find out} and get back to office. I quickly learn the creamer I bought was powder creamer and the liquid kind is much better and that it is found by the milk... something I had no idea about. I felt bad, and dumb, and other emotions. Like I said not life threatening or anything, I just hate feeling like I have done things wrong.  Basically I needed something to help me feel better so I went for a little drive after work, but I'll get back to that in a second.

We went to the Chris's Custom Cabinets today which was nice. They do alot of really nice work. It was good to know that if a client has something specific in find they can build almost anything.

Ok back to my drive. I was feeling a little bit crummy so after work I was driving around and I was praying for some help so I wouldnt feel that way and I'm at a stoplight and I look up and I see a man standing on the corner with a newspaper. Let me tell you about this. My good friend here, Anna, told me all about this little business set up that Nashville has, because I have seen her give money to these people before and I wanted to know why. She explained that these people were basically homeless and that there was a group somewhere in Nashville that writes, edit, and prints this paper. Homeless people can buy them for $ .25 each and sell them for a dollar and they keep the $ .75 cents as profit. Now we cant guarantee that the money isnt going to be wasted on things {potentially drugs which was my first worry}, but Anna explained that because of this little process, some of these people have made enough money that they could rent a small apartment, put themselves through a little bit of schooling, etc... just to basically turn things around a little bit and hopefully make their lives a little bit better. Anyways, back to this man. I quickly tried to find my wallet, but of course it was in the back seat where I couldn't reach it and I just knew the light was going to turn green any second but I looked down and there on the passenger side floor was a dollar sitting there. Yes! So I roll the window down a little bit and exchanged the dollar for a newspaper. Like I said, I dont know where this money is going {because this is where his agency comes into play}, but I was grateful for my opportunity to serve someone else, even if it was in a small way, because it helped me feel a little bit better. I love you all and I will see you all soon. Have a good night.