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Thursday, June 9, 2011

A First Time For Everything

Ok Like I said, you should probably just get used to me posting the night after. The last couple of days have been great for some of my first. Tuesday night I experienced fireflies for the first time ever. I want to go catch some in a Mason Jar and keep them as my pets for the rest of the summer but every time think about it, I can help but remember this book my mama would read to me, Sam and the Firefly. I don’t remember exactly what happened but I do remember that the firefly was caught by a hot dog man {?} and was sad, and Sam had to save him. A. I don’t want any owls to attack me, and b. I don’t want my little pets to be sad… (I know I sound like a 2 year old right now. That’s ok… just go with it) haha. For now I will be just fine watching them while they are out in the open.

Yesterday was fantastic. While we were waiting for Jamie to get back, we just finished up some odds and ends. After we had a little office meeting, Samantha and I got to go to a client’s house to take pictures and measure. It was so nice being able to actually go somewhere. It made the job feel all the more official. Guys I love what I’m doing here, and even though I have had a few doubt… I know this is what I want to do with the rest of my life. The house was absolutely beautiful and I’m excited that we get to help make it a little bit better with what we are designing. Once we got back to the office I got to put all the dimensions into CADD. I’m glad that I have remembered it pretty much again… enough that I’m not as rusty {remember the post about the displays that took me all day}. I looked for some bedding for the client, while the printer for the CADD computer was being fixed and, all in all yesterday just seem like I was getting work done! I love that feeling.

I loved institute as usual, and I even cried a little because of a talk that was shared with us. The spirit was so strong.

Today was probably the most chill day I have had so far at Beckwith Interior. My plan for the day was to get some photos off of Jamie’s phone so that I could work on the CADD document for the client from yesterday, but both Jamie and Sam were out of the office today. In other words there wasn’t much for us interns to do… so pretty much the whole time we searched for new music for the office iPod. We did a little bit here and there but for the most part we just listened to music the whole day. {Not that I’m getting paid… but if I was} who wouldn’t want to be paid for that? We had two vendors come in to show us their products. One showed us some really beautiful hardwood flooring. He was really interested in talking to us interns because we informed him that when we did projects, most of the time we used Armstrong flooring because that was the most accessible or I guess you can say the easiest for us to specify. This is important because if any of you know me or another ID student you will know how time consuming and therefore hard our projects are and when you are tired and down the wire, the last thing you want to do is have to search for a material. He said that he was really interested in learning from us {maybe even providing a lunch and learn} so that he could make his product more accessible to student so that his product could grow more and faster. The other was… I guess you could call him a finishes vendor. He was there to show us stuff that was a lot like 3-Form but some of it was a little bit cooler than 3-form {I feel like a traitor saying this because 3-form is based out of Salt Lake City, so naturally I’m slightly bias} Both of the products were really nice and great resources for us as we finish up our last year at our schools. Even though we didn’t do a whole lot today, I had a great time. It was a day full of music and a lot of laughter. (Just as a side note, if you haven’t ever been on awkward family photos, you need to go right now {or later} and look at some of them. Hilarious). Once again I cant begin to tell you how much I love my experience here. I feel so blessed.

After work my friend Anna called me and asked if I wanted to go Downtown. Of course I said yes because I have wanted to go and actually experience since me and dad went that first weekend. It was so busy because of the Music Fest and let me just say there are some very colorful people out there. Lots of different personalities and interesting conversations to overhear. I am please to announce that I Michelle Eliana Paz, at the age of 22 (almost 23), have had my very first ID checking experience tonight. Haha I was so excited I had to get a picture. Even though I don’t drink its fun to go into the honkytonks here just to feel the environment and to listen to the live music. I am totally having a blast here and I really hope that I get to go to a concert for the fest. That would be great. Well yall I get to go to the warehouse again tomorrow but that means I have to be up a little bit earlier than usual so I’m headed to bed. Have a good night and I’ll see yall soon.

The Second Fiddle was my FIRST!


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