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Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Today at work was a little bit rough. I made a couple of mistakes and although they weren't threatening to the company at all... I till felt like an idiot. I went on a supply run where I was supposed to pick up a bunch of stuff and one of the items on the list were folders. I didn't check to see what kind of folders we needed and so I bought hanging folders. Wrong! I offered to go back and exchange them and when I got there everything went fine, however, I had paid the first time with the business credit card AND a gift card... and Office depot decided to refund the gift card but because the balance was smaller than $10, they gave it to me in cash... so I handed that to Amber and... now we have to go deposit like $6 dollars and 51 cents or something. SO frustrating. But thats not where it ends. Another item on the list was coffee. I don't drink coffee so I have never bought coffee. I checked the office before I left and the brand that they drink is Maxwell House. Not hard right? Wrong again. First of all I ask the lady at the store where the coffee aisle and she looks at me like I'm from another planet because apparently everyone who's anyone knows where to find that. Then I get to the Maxwell section and... there's original roast, Columbian something or other, french vanilla flavored... etc. So I have to call the office to see what kind they wanted. I felt so dumb. Luckily the creamer is right in front of me, so I grab two that sound good {although I'll never find out} and get back to office. I quickly learn the creamer I bought was powder creamer and the liquid kind is much better and that it is found by the milk... something I had no idea about. I felt bad, and dumb, and other emotions. Like I said not life threatening or anything, I just hate feeling like I have done things wrong.  Basically I needed something to help me feel better so I went for a little drive after work, but I'll get back to that in a second.

We went to the Chris's Custom Cabinets today which was nice. They do alot of really nice work. It was good to know that if a client has something specific in find they can build almost anything.

Ok back to my drive. I was feeling a little bit crummy so after work I was driving around and I was praying for some help so I wouldnt feel that way and I'm at a stoplight and I look up and I see a man standing on the corner with a newspaper. Let me tell you about this. My good friend here, Anna, told me all about this little business set up that Nashville has, because I have seen her give money to these people before and I wanted to know why. She explained that these people were basically homeless and that there was a group somewhere in Nashville that writes, edit, and prints this paper. Homeless people can buy them for $ .25 each and sell them for a dollar and they keep the $ .75 cents as profit. Now we cant guarantee that the money isnt going to be wasted on things {potentially drugs which was my first worry}, but Anna explained that because of this little process, some of these people have made enough money that they could rent a small apartment, put themselves through a little bit of schooling, etc... just to basically turn things around a little bit and hopefully make their lives a little bit better. Anyways, back to this man. I quickly tried to find my wallet, but of course it was in the back seat where I couldn't reach it and I just knew the light was going to turn green any second but I looked down and there on the passenger side floor was a dollar sitting there. Yes! So I roll the window down a little bit and exchanged the dollar for a newspaper. Like I said, I dont know where this money is going {because this is where his agency comes into play}, but I was grateful for my opportunity to serve someone else, even if it was in a small way, because it helped me feel a little bit better. I love you all and I will see you all soon. Have a good night.


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